Monday, December 29, 2008


Here we go, embarking on a new adventure blogging about the Park Avenue Preppy lifestyle!

To set the record straight, I do not actually live on Park Avenue. However, the lifestyle of many of those living there is one I do admire. So my intent with this blog is to provide inspiration and ideas of how to occasionally escape the real world of daily work, errands, and bills and live a lifestyle of fabulous clothes (on a budget of course!), as well as the sporadic splurge at a fine dining restaurant, and how to maintain a beautifully decorated home like a Park Avenue penthouse on a not so Park Avenue income.

In determining how to set the tone for this blog, I decided it was best to start at the beginning. I hope anyone who reads this blog gets a sense of who I am and what I think living a fabulous Park Avenue Preppy lifestyle is all about. I hope you all enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Blogland P.A. Prep!
    Glad you're here and can't wait to learn more about you :)

    Hope you have a great trip, you have me wanting new luggage now!
